EXCLUSIVE: Nearly HALF of Jewish college students say they or someone they know have been targets of anti-Semitic attacks – including being spat on, beaten up by frats or having a swastika carved in their dorm room, shocking new survey reveals
EXCLUSIVE: Nearly HALF of Jewish college students say they or someone they know have been targets of anti-Semitic attacks – including being spat on, beaten up by frats or having a swastika carved in their dorm room, shocking new survey reveals
EXCLUSIVE: Nearly HALF of Jewish college students say they or someone they know have been targets of anti-Semitic attacks – including being spat on, beaten up by frats or having a swastika carved in their dorm room, shocking new survey reveals
August 27, 2021
This article is from the Daily Mail. To read the full article, click here.
Over 40% of Jewish students say they or someone they know has been physically threatened for being Jewish, according to a new survey.
Respondents gave accounts of being spat on, told to pick up pennies, being 'beaten up' by frats because they were Jewish, a Swastika carved into a Jewish student's dorm room door, and a student body president telling a Jewish student 'all Jewish men look alike and are ugly'.
DailyMail.com exclusively obtained a copy of the shocking results from the poll of 506 students and alumni of US universities conducted by anti-bigotry organization Alums for Campus Fairness (ACF).
A staggering 95% percent of Jewish college students and recent graduates who answered the survey felt that anti-Semitism is a problem on their campuses.
Nearly 80% of Jewish students and recent graduates said they were the target of offensive or threatening anti-Semitic comments or knew someone who had been targeted.
44% of students and recent grads said either someone they know or they themselves had been physically threatened because they were Jewish.
The survey was conducted online between March 25 and June 14 this year. It had 509 American respondents who were aged 18-29 and self-identify as Jewish current students or recent graduates of a four-year undergraduate degree program in the US.
The report also includes anonymous written descriptions from 137 respondents of their personal experiences with campus anti-Semitism.
One 26-year-old man from a southeastern university wrote: 'I've had pennies thrown at me by people saying 'you gonna pick that up Jew?'
A current female student, 20, at a midwestern university said: 'I was having a conversation with a guy in my dorm and when I mentioned I was Jewish he made a joke about gassing me and when I explained that it was hurtful and not funny he spit on me.'
A midwestern graduate, 28, said 'I was an RA [resident advisor] for residence life. Someone carved a swastika into my door… The person responsible was never caught.'
Another recent southeastern US graduate said his fraternity brothers were 'jumped' for being Jewish.
'3 of my fraternity brothers were walking home from the bars one night and right outside their house they got jumped and beaten up by members of another fraternity for the sole reason of them being Jews,' the 23-year-old wrote in the survey.
Another 19-year-old student studying at a private northeastern institution said: 'I was called a k**e b***h and threatened physically.'
According to the survey, 69% of students and grads say they have avoided certain places, events, or situations at school because they are Jewish, and 62% of students who said they were the target of an anti-Semitic incident did not report it.
Avi Gordon, executive director of the ACF, told DailyMail.com he was saddened but not surprised by the results of their survey.
The report also includes anonymous written descriptions from 137 respondents of their personal experiences with campus anti-Semitism.
One 26-year-old man from a southeastern university wrote: 'I've had pennies thrown at me by people saying 'you gonna pick that up Jew?'
A current female student, 20, at a midwestern university said: 'I was having a conversation with a guy in my dorm and when I mentioned I was Jewish he made a joke about gassing me and when I explained that it was hurtful and not funny he spit on me.'
A midwestern graduate, 28, said 'I was an RA [resident advisor] for residence life. Someone carved a swastika into my door… The person responsible was never caught.'
Another recent southeastern US graduate said his fraternity brothers were 'jumped' for being Jewish.
'3 of my fraternity brothers were walking home from the bars one night and right outside their house they got jumped and beaten up by members of another fraternity for the sole reason of them being Jews,' the 23-year-old wrote in the survey.
Another 19-year-old student studying at a private northeastern institution said: 'I was called a k**e b***h and threatened physically.'
According to the survey, 69% of students and grads say they have avoided certain places, events, or situations at school because they are Jewish, and 62% of students who said they were the target of an anti-Semitic incident did not report it.
Avi Gordon, executive director of the ACF, told DailyMail.com he was saddened but not surprised by the results of their survey.
'We've had anecdotal evidence of what's been going on, but no hard data to show the reality on the ground for undergraduates and recent alumni,' he said.
'We wanted to be able to quantify that and understand what current students are really thinking about the campus climate.
'The survey results are shocking but it's confirmation of these anecdotal experiences that we've heard from students on a regular basis.
'It's upsetting, it's unacceptable, and it shows how important our work is trying to stem the tide and have university administrations understand this is an issue that needs to be taken seriously and needs to be addressed directly.'
Despite the large proportion of students experiencing anti semitism on campus, 80% said they always or usually feel safe identifying as a Jew on campus, while 20% said they rarely or never do.
Some alumni wanted to distinguish between anti Semitism and legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and its foreign policy including its conflict with Palestine.
'A lot of reasonable people I socialized with and learned from (students and faculty alike) do not support Israel's occupation of Palestine,' a male midwest graduate, 26, wrote.
'Anti-Semitism is a major issue globally but I do not feel that it is more pronounced on college campuses than otherwise.
'I think lack of support for Israel is often conflated with anti-Semitism and that is a shame.'
Other respondents said faculty also were responsible for anti semitism on campus, and acted with impunity.
'Professor was incredibly anti-Semitic (Jews did 9/11; Jews own the media etc),' one 25-year-old female grad of a northeastern college wrote.
'Friend and I filed a 30 page report (and met with) multiple deans on his anti-Semitism. We received a 1.5 page letter stating that we misconstrued his comments and he did nothing wrong. Then they offered him tenure.'
'I often have to hide being Jewish to fit in and so my professors can like me,' a current 22-year-old female student at a Mid West school wrote.
'Having students' voices heard is so important,' Gordon told DailyMail.com. 'I think many feel marginalized on campus right now.
'Anti-Semitism is something that gets ignored or falls by the wayside in many administrations. They point to their robust study abroad program with a partner university in Israel or what have you, which is great, but it doesn't mean there's not a problem on campus.
'Administrations need to take this threat seriously. This is not just a minor issue or transient. Administrations need to come out in full support of Jewish students on campuses.'